By default, our automated system will send the subscription owner a billing receipt every time a transaction processes. The Owner is the person that initially created the website and purchased the subscription, so only one person can have this role at a time, and only they are able to change who receives the notifications. To add a custom billing notification recipient, you’ll want to:
1. Click on your site name in the top gray navigation bar, and select Account.
2. Select Subscriptions under the Manage Account header.
3. Click on the blue link under the Receipt column and a black popup will appear. The “Owner” status here indicates that the email recipients are being sent to the owner of the website. The “Custom” status indicates that the email receipts are sent to a customized email address.
4. If you would like to change who receives these email receipts/notifications, use the black pop-up modal and type in a custom email address into the field box.
5. Select the green Save button to save the changes. The next time a payment is processed, the email address you’ve input will receive the transaction receipt.