Customize Thumbnail Preview when Sharing Pages (Facebook or Twitter)

Whenever you share a page of your site on Facebook or Twitter, the social platform will pull data from your page to populate a preview within the platform. You aren't required to update the data as it is populated automatically for you, but if you wish to customize it, follow the steps in this article.

1. Click on the Content tab in the gray navigation bar, and click into the page you wish to customize.

2. In the right-hand sidebar, select the SEO & Sharing header to open the panel.


3. Use the icon tabs to view a special panel for each of the social media platforms. Select which social media platform you wish to customize for, then input your custom data into the fields provided to you.


4. After you are finished updating the fields, select the green Publish button to make it all live on your site.

Example of a shared page on Facebook


Example of a shared page on Twitter


Facebook title: Unless you customize this field, your SEO page title is used.

Facebook description: Without an SEO description customized, the first block on your page containing text will be used here.

Facebook image: By default, the site logo image is first to be chosen if you do not upload an image here. 

JPG, GIF or PNG. Minimum 200 x 200 px, but at least 1200 x 630 pixels is recommended. 8MB max size. See Facebook's documentation for more details and recommendations.

Facebook App ID: Use this field if you are tracking analytics information with Facebook or if you have a Facebook App.

Twitter title: Unless you customize this field, your SEO page title is used.

Twitter description: Without an SEO description customized, the first block on your page containing text will be used here.

Twitter image: By default, the site logo image is first to be chosen if you do not upload an image here. 

JPG, GIF or PNG. Minimum 300 x 157 px, maximum 4096 x 4096 px and 5MB in size. 2:1 aspect ratio recommended. See Twitter's documentation for more details and recommendations.


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