Add the Team Members Collection to Your Page

Adding Team Members to your page is simple and quick. Follow the steps below to get started:

1. Select the Content tool in the gray navigation bar, and select the page you'd like to add your team information to.

2. Add a new Collections content block, by clicking on the green plus sign and then selecting the Collections tile.


3. Within the "Collection Type" dropdown, select the Team Members tile.


4. You should now see the collections block populate with information.


Here you can modify the information you'd like to pull in, such as any categories, tags, or decide how to sort your team members.

5. Now that you've added the block, click on the blue "Design this page" button that appears at the top right of the page to start designing your information.


6. Use the design preview tool to design the aesthetic of your new content block! If you need to change any information, you'll want to note that the information can only be modified while in the team members collection.

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support Team for guidance!

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