Edit/Delete Locations Information

Editing location information is easily done within a single view. Change all of your information through the Locations Collection view, and watch in real time as the changes are reflected across your website.

To edit information for your locations:

1. Click on the Content tool in the gray navigation bar.

2. Select the Collections subheader, and then click on the Locations link to go to your library.


3. Click on the location that has the information you'd like to edit, and click on its name.


4. Within the next page, you'll want to locate the fields you'd like to edit. Simply click within a description box or field and begin typing.

5. Once you've finished modifying information, be sure to click the blue Save button at the bottom of the page.


Your changes have now been saved and you've successfully modified your location information!

To delete a location, use the gear icon below the Actions column to remove a listing.


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