Point Your Domain to SpaceCraft

Updating your domain’s DNS (Domain Name System) is a key requirement in setting up your website with SpaceCraft. Be sure that you are following the steps required for your specific registrar (links below).

1. Log in to your domain registrar. If you do not know who your domain provider is, read this quick article to find out! (Or you could contact our support team for assistance)

2. Once you are logged in, find the DNS Manager for your domain. If you are running into any issues locating the DNS Manager, we recommend you contact your domain registrar’s support team, as they will likely be able to help you add the following record as well.

3. In the DNS Manager, change the current A record or add a new A Record (be sure to insert only ONE A Record into the DNS Zone File, as multiples will create issues.)

Record: A
Host: @
Points to:
TTL: 600 or 3600 (depending on what your domain registrar allows)

4. If there are custom nameservers, remove them or park the domain to the default nameservers.

5. Save your changes.

6. Back on spacecrafted.com, make sure you have your domain added to the website's settings (select the gear icon in the gray navigation bar, and then click on the sub-header labeled Domains). The site will not appear until you’ve added the domain to the website's settings.

Important: DNS changes typically take 24 to 48 hours. If you have any email setup on the domain, take note of your current MX records in order to not interrupt your email service.

See below for registrar specific steps:












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