You can create a collage with a mosaic pattern dictated by the size and orientation of your images. The layout allows you to add visual interest with smaller photos next to larger ones and a variety of spacing, sizing, and viewing options to customize your image display.
1. Select the Content tool in the gray navigation bar.
2. Select the Page you would like to add an image gallery to.
3. Add an Image Gallery block by selecting the green + button.
4. Upload the images you want to see in your mosaic gallery.
5. Select the Design this page link in the top right corner of the page.
6. While in the design preview, be sure you are in the Page tab from the right-hand menu.
7. Select Image Gallery title on the right-hand menu that appears to the side of the website preview.
8. Under Type, use the drop-down menu to select the Mosaic Gallery option.
9. You will then be able to click into your image gallery within the website preview, and select this button (in the screenshot below) to pick and choose how many columns you'd like to showcase, giving you more customization.
Use the plus or minus sign to add or remove columns.
10. Select the Save and Publish buttons to take your changes live!
Note: You can edit the number of columns, spacing, and image views in this panel as well!