Change DNS records on GoDaddy + Redirect Subdomain to Different URL in GoDaddy

Below, we give you all the steps on how to point your domain's DNS records on to SpaceCraft. Today we will be adding or updating an A-record in your domain's DNS zone file:

1. Navigate to in your browser.

2. Select Sign In in the top righthand corner and then Sign In again to access the login page:


3. Enter your login information and select the green Sign In button:


4. Select the DNS button next to your domain listed:


5. Review all of your Records before adding a new A Record. If you notice an A Record already in your records, edit it by selecting the Pencil icon, instead of adding a new one. Select Add in the bottom righthand corner under Records to add a new A Record.

Important: If you use an email provider, check with them to see if they require an A Record in your DNS Records. Webmail hosts that require an A Record pointing to their server are not compatible with SpaceCraft's A Record setup. If you are worried about editing your records to the point that your webmail quits working, we recommend taking a screenshot if you need to reimplement a prior record setup.



6. Select A from the dropdown window under Type. Enter @ in the Host field, and enter into the Points to field. Lastly, select 1/2 Hour in the TTL dropdown window.




7. Select Save and your DNS changes are complete. See below about propagation time.

8. Make sure that you have added your domain to your SpaceCraft Dashboard settings. The site will not appear until you do so.

Note: DNS changes can take up to 24-48 hours to complete but are typically noticed sooner. Please confirm that you only have one A Record setting for your domain as multiple ones can conflict and make your site inaccessible. Also, do not use custom name server values; instead, set the domain to the default/standard name server values.

Redirecting your Subdomain to a different URL in GoDaddy:

Some users create shops or similar pages on their websites that need quick URLs to access. In order to create a subdomain that directs to your shop or similar page, try these steps. Due to GoDaddy being one of the largest domain registrars, we have given you the steps on how to add a CNAME record on GoDaddy:

Part 1:

1. Log in to your account at

2. Under the Domains tab, select Manage


3. Find your domain name and select the drop-down arrow next to the name

4. Select Manage DNS.


5. At the top of the list you should see Add Record, select it.


6. Under Record Type, select CNAME (Alias)


7. In the "Host" section, enter <YOUR SUBDOMAIN> Specify a TTL or use the default setting of 1 hour. For example, if you are creating a shop redirect, enter

8. In the "Points To" section, enter the URL or IP of the page you want to direct to. For example, your shop's URL could be


9. Select Finish

10. Select Save Changes


Part 2:

1. Go back to your SpaceCraft Dashboard

2. Select Settings (gear icon)

3. Select Domains

4. Select Add Custom Domain

5. Enter the subdomain you just created through your DNS settings

6. Select Save

Your changes should be complete and you can now navigate to your newly made subdomain redirect!

If you are looking for a similar how-to instruction for your domain registrar, Google a search term like "how to add cname record on REGISTRAR-HERE".

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