FIT4MOM - Update Your Landing Pages

Much of your site is already built with the needed content and pages to effectively market your FIT4MOM location, almost entirely out of the box. Some landing pages come with your site and are used to encourage potential customers to become an active one. You will need to replace the Emma forms on each of your landing pages so that you begin receiving the inquiry information and your potential customer gets their freebie or applicable perk. You may also update any text content and duplicate or move blocks in your landing pages, we'll show you how in the steps below.

Important: If you don't have Emma signup forms already created for your site, you will need to create them in Emma. If you are needing detailed setup assistance for your form (such as audiences, confirmation email, etc.), please reach out to MyEmma Support at The MyEmma Support team is trained and best equipped to assist you with their Marketing tools.

1. Follow the steps in the following article to create and customize a form for each of the landing pages. You will need need to perform the steps four times if you don't have the forms already created

Customizing your signup form

2. Using the steps near the end of the article mentioned above, retrieve the iframe embed code for each of your landing page signup forms by copying the code to your clipboard and pasting into a Word or Note document on your computer. These codes will be used in the next steps.  (Tip: CTRL+C or CMD+C depending on PC/MAC computer to copy)

3. From here, head into the SpaceCraft Dashboard and Select Content in the top navigation bar to view all the pages on your site.

4. These pages are your Landing pages and contain Emma forms that need to be replaced:

  • Body Back
  • Stroller Strides
  • Stroller Barre
  • Fit4Baby

5. Now, with all of the iframe embed codes enter the pages above one by one, and find the HTML block titled "HTML (form embed)" in the top lefthand corner of it. 

6. Highlight the entire "filler" code that is already sitting inside the large code field box of the HTML block (not the "Classes" field) and erase the filler code completely, by backspacing.

7. Paste in your Emma iframe code and then hit the blue Save button.  (Tip: CTRL+V or CMD+V depending on PC/MAC computer to paste) 

For assistance on making content updates to your landing pages, please view these articles pertinent to updating Content:

How do I duplicate or move a block?

How do I add or edit a hyperlink in my text?

How do I add a YouTube video to my page?

Way to go! If you have more questions or run into issues after reading this article, feel free to reach out to your friendly FIT4MOM Support Team at

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